Site Information About Us is basically our family's part-time business online. For
years our family has been interested in books. We have sold our books at garage
sales, used book sales, and conferences. Gradually it became somewhat of a
business, so we decided to go online. We hope this site will be easy for you to
navigate and browse for those books you have been wanting! All items are shipped from Southern Manitoba, Canada, from whence operates and stores its great selection of used and discounted items. has been on the Internet since September 6th, 2003. To avoid pranks, unwanted soliciting, etc., information, such as our exact location, name and phone number are not located on the web site, however, we can fully understand a customer wanting to know this information before placing an order. Product Markings Look for the stars (asterisks) that show you the rated condition of the item. Condition: ***** = Excellent: Brand New or almost New! **** = Good: Minor Damage, but over all in good condition. *** = Medium: Some signs of wear, but in good shape. ** = Worse: Perhaps fairly dog-eared or cover somewhat scuffed. * = Poor: Loose Pages, missing cover, poor condition. **** and under may contain some markings. We are currently phasing in marking the cover type of our titles. Many of our titles have been marked, but we hope to have all of our books marked in the near future. Some hardcover titles have been marked with (HC), our code for hardcover. Normally the soft cover titles receive (SC). Coil Bound titles are normally marked as (Coil Bound) or (CB). Until we have this all worked out, please ask if the item is soft or hard cover if it matters to you. Payment Options We accept credit cards via PayPal.
We also accept cheques and money orders as payment options.
Please note that after we receive cheques, we reserve the right to wait for
them to clear (approx. 10 days) before we will send items out.
Your order will be mailed out immediately if you pay by money order or PayPal. General Information Prices are in Canadian and American funds and do not include shipping; we normally ship via Canada Post.
Postage insurance can be purchased for $1 for items valued at $100 dollars or
less. All purchases under $10 (before shipping) are subject to a $5 handling fee. The page heading pictures are random pictures of what might be expected in that category. We do not necessarily have the books seen in the picture for sale. A picture of an item may be of the same title, but not of the exact book that is for sale. Many books have various versions that differ in some ways. If this matters to you, please ask us. While we try to keep everything accurate, items, listings, pictures, and text are subject to error. We apologize for any inconveniences. Thank you for shopping at! |